
Academic Calender
Important Information
  • Every Student should be in the school premises on time. Particular attention should be paid to wearing correct and prescribed dress, cleanliness and smart turn out.
  • Girls should use white ribbons/hair bands only.
  • Disciplinary action will be taken against late comers and improperly dressed students.
  • Children must not leave the school premises during class hours without prior permission of the Principal and the Class Teacher.
  • Parents/Guardians are requested not to disturb their child while classes are in session. In case of emergency, parents should come personally or send an authorized person with a request letter.
  • Application for leave during the last few days of any term or during examinations will not be entertained. In case of illness, students must produce a medical certificate.
  • Students or teachers are not allowed to distribute chocolates, sweets and gift articles in the school.
Prepare your child for school. Help your child bloom
  • Parents should have a positive attitude towards school, teachers, education and learning.
  • Encourage your child to speak in English.
  • Help your child in finishing school work.
  • Familiarize your child with the books given from the school.
  • Encourage your child to participate in home activities such as dressing and undressing, arranging books, wearing tie and footwear, etc., and develop good eating habits.
  • Give importance to your child’s personal health and hygiene.
  • Encourage your child to read good books, newspapers, magazines, etc.
  • Make your child aware of her/his surroundings.
  • Suggest watching good educational programmes on television.
  • Encourage your child to explore and study by using five senses – Touch, Feel, Smell, See and Hear.
School Motto

Om! Lead me from untruth to Truth,
from darkness to Light
and from death to Immortality

Guiding principle

Coming together is a BEGINNING
Keeping together is PROGRESS
Going together is SUCCESS

Types of Evaluation Tentative Dates
Periodic Test-1 for  IX Std & X Std.

Periodic Test-1 for I Std to VIII Std.

3rd week of June-2023

2nd Week of July-2023

Periodic Test -2  I Std  to X Std. 3rd  week of August-2023
Mid –Term/Term-1 Examinations  I Std  to X Std. 1st week of October-2023
Periodic Test -3   I Std  to X Std.   2nd week of December-2023
First Pre-board Exam for X Std. 1st  Week of January-2024
Second  Pre-board Exam for  X Std and
Preparatory Exam for IX Std.
4th Week of January-2024
Periodic Test -4 for I to VIII  Std and
Third Pre-board Exam for X Std.
1st  Week of February-2024
Annual Examinations for IX Std. 3rd  Week of February-2024
Annual Examinations for I Std  to VIII Std. 3rd week of March-2024
Results of 2023-24 Session : 05-04-2024, Friday