A chart of monthly co-curricular competitions for I Std. to VII Std – Session 2016-17
A chart of monthly co-curricular competitions for 1 Std. to VII Std – Session 2016-17
Sl. No |
Month |
I Std & II Std |
III Std & IV Std |
V Std. VI Std & VII Std |
1 |
June |
Chirography competition |
Pick & act |
Pick & speak |
2 |
July |
Memory game |
Slogan writing |
Greeting card making |
3 |
August |
Spelling competition |
Quiz (Science) |
Slogan writing |
4 |
September |
Quiz |
Word puzzle |
Poster making |
5 |
October |
Drawing competition |
Creative writing |
Quiz(Science) |
6 |
November |
Singing (solo) |
Pick & speak |
Creative writing |
7 |
December |
World building |
World building |
Waste to well |